Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Productive, yet exhausting...

Well, it was a day of getting things done in the McLean household today...well, sort of. Laundry...check. Studying for MTEL...check. Maddie slept for 2.5 hours...check (granted it was in the swing, but very peaceful). Morgan had a great day at school. check.

But, after Maddie's nice afternoon nap, all was lost. No more getting things done for Mommy because Maddie's teeth were bothering her so badly. Well, it was either that or the fact that she was attempting to roll over and she was very frustrated she couldn't get her "large" self over. It's really a toss up as to what was so frustrating, but either way, it was a busy afternoon. [pictures and a video are to follow...can't put them up now...must go to sleep!!]

Morgan had another great day at school, though was very sad when I picked her up because her friends got picked up before her. Boo hoo! She is definitely congested right now - can't tell if it's a cold or allergies, but hopefully time will tell and it will be door number 2.

Tomorrow brings great excitement with Maddies' 4 month check-up and Morgan's first Irish Step Dancing class. More to follow tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Oh I can't wait to hear about her appt. And Morgan in dance- that's hilarious! Fun stuff.
