Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Cast off! Splint on!

So we made a list this morning while waiting for the bus of "Morgan's Questions for the Bone Doctor." On it was, "Can I ride my bike? scooter? swim (at school)? I asked if she wanted to add "playground" to that list, but she said she's already doing that, so why would she ask. Valid point, though, probably not best to share with the doctor (since that was on the no-no list!).

Morgan got her cast off today! Yippee! The only bad part is she has to get used to using that arm again - and not having it as protected. Just turning her wrist around was a bit painful tonight and I imagine it will be. Still no bike, scooter or playground. And no PE. But, she can swim, shower and take it off to write/read/do quiet activities where she won't be bumped or "active."

She has to wear the splint for another 3 weeks before we take her off of it. 4 more weeks before playground, sports, etc.

Oh - and did I mention there was cake at the doctors - that ALWAYS helps! :)

Meanwhile...at home...here's a bit of what we've been up to...just fun hanging out with the fam & mostly making Connor laugh! All Morgan really needs to is smile and talk to him. Maddie doesn't quite have the patience - but love these picts!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Ready, Set, K2!!!

It was a very rainy week, as you can tell from Morgan's wellies (?spelling), but that did not deter her from being very excited & very nervous!!!

But, she had a great first day! Her teacher, Miss Sullivan even set up a table with "sharpies" (you know - the permanent markers) for her friends to sign her cast! She could not have been more excited!!!

Can't believe she's in K2!! This year will bring puppet shows, Christmas concerts, Public Speaking, swimming at school, sports, and her first Field Day! What a big girl!!

Rest of August

So the beginning of August was family time on Cape Cod. The second half of August was adjusting to new schedules, new nanny for Connor & Maddie, and just back to the 'ld grindstone!

Octavia won the hearts of the kids pretty easily. Playgrounds, zoo, play dates, walks, and just lots of "outside" time.

We're now back in school, but looking back at all these picts - it was a great summer!! I'm going to miss these days in no time!

This is Connor at 5 months old in his exersaucer! He absolutely LOVES it!! And the girls LOVE playing with him in. He's been standing practically since he was born, so it works out well!!

Octavia took the kids to the zoo - she said the lion roared right when she was taking the picture, so it scared Maddie quite a bit!
In mid-conversation it looks like!
Morgan rode the carousel at the zoo. Maddie was too chicken!

The US Constitution is behind us. We went to their museum & then visited with Papa whose office has an amazing view of it!

This is what bowling looks like to Maddie - drinking, eating, not much bowling! :)
Morgan and her friend Emma couldn't have been more excited!!
Connor loves his bumpo - well for about 5 minutes!
Octavia won the heart of Connor when she handed him a cold teether!!! LOVES those things!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Broken Bones

The first bones ever broken on the Kennedy side of the family. The third for Kevin's side, I think. The "zip line" at Larz Anderson Playground was too much for Morgan. After about a dozen times of going on that thing, her hand slipped, and she fell....landed on her back which was over her right arm.

After a drive home with Daddy, Maddie & Connor to drop off the other troops (and pick up Mommy), I took Morgan to the ER. THe drive there was full of conversation and crying - worried about if she could go to school, how will she write, and then, of course, worried about why she didn't need to take an ambulance to the hospital!!

We arrived, went straight to triage where they offered her some motrin. Of course, only Morgan, would refuse it because it was a "dropper" and not in pill/meltaway form. (Reminds me of all the times we had to sit on her and hold her down from about age 1 and on to give her medicine before she could take the pills.)

2 x-rays later and we learn it's a "buckle fracture" by her forearm/wrist area - not fully broken but about halfway. She still needs a cast, but instead of about a 6 week one, this one's on for 3 weeks. We'll go back at the end of September & they'll x-ray it again, make sure it's healed and then probably just keep it off.

She seems to be doing just fine. The day after was definitely the worst - besides an emotional roller coaster - she was in more pain than she was the night she got the cast. Morgan is anticipating the start of school on Thursday where everyone will see it & be able to sign her cast!

(She has yet to learn she'll be out of sports at school for 3 weeks, but I'm sure she'll manage). That's actually probably the hardest part of all -- no bike riding (with no training wheels!), no playground, soccer, "football" as the doctor said, and limited running or doing anything where she could fall on it. He did, however, approve of Irish Step Dancing!!! :)