Yesterday it was Maddie vs. Morgan vs. the dentist (though it could have been Morgan vs. the world!!!). Let's just say Morgan is 1, the dentist is 0. It was an awful visit...worst much so that the dentist suggested we go see someone else. I mean, seriously, who does that? Especially in this economy!! Turning away business...crazy!!!
So, needless to say the probability is high (you like that, Kev) that we won't be returning to them! We're going to find someone who is a bit more kid friendly, and on a side note, I'd REALLY appreciate taking Morgan to any appointment anywhere where she does not throw a fit and I have to hold her down! That would be the best present of all time!
So sad. Since the dentist was only able to count her teeth, we go back in 6 months (to a different place) for a cleaning...and hopefully she'll cooperate!! We miss you already Dr. Niosi!!
After Irish Step Dancing tonight Morgan came home to a nice and ready meal of Shepards Pie. If you were with us last Thanksgiving, all I would really need to say is that she reenacted what happened the previous year. Mommy said to eat more mashed potatoes (or as in tonight, Mommy said you need to finish your plate...knowing I did not put much on there)...and she threw up everything right there at the dinner table. Personally, I think she has something against mashed potatoes, which, let's be honest...what kind of Irish are you, if you can't eat mashed potatoes without gagging? Not Kennedy Irish...that's for sure!!
She felt great afterwards, even wanting some dessert...better luck next time, I said!!!
Madeline had another good day. She and I had some great moments in the "jungle" (mat) today. I tried showing her how to sit up in the tripod position and she would do well for a couple of minutes, and then fall either backwards or to the side. I caught her everytime, and believe it or not, she fell very smoothly. She DOES have some muscle under all that blubber!! But, she thought that this was a great game...sitting up and falling back, and she would giggle everytime. It was a fun time with her!!! Maybe next time we'll get some video!!
As long as Morgan has no fever tomorrow she'll be in school tomorrow. Maddie and I are looking forward to a quiet day with a few errands.