Tuesday, October 13, 2009

One more day and counting!!

It started out very abruptly and crazy this morning, as Morgan came and woke me up at 7 am. You see, I awake with a sick little Maddie around 5 am, and did not have a restful evening since Maddie was stirring all through the night. When she woke up at 5, she was coughing enough for me to take her to the doctors today, of which we learned...it's a virus!!! Nothing to do, no medicine to take, but.....Maddie lost a pound!!! The poor thing!! So, she's now 20.1, down from 21 lbs. She's thinning out!!! Just like Mommy!! (ha,ha,ha!!). After Maddie's doctors appointment we raced (and were late) to gymnastics, but Morgan had a fine time and it went by very quickly when you show up late!!

It's almost only one more day until Morgan turns 4!! Today was my due date with her four years ago!! Who knew 4 years ago we were going to have a beautiful, firey red-headed daughter?!! I just realized today that I have no cake for her, and she asked for an ice cream cake, so I cannot bake that! And since I just did 24 cupcakes, I'm going to Friendly's for a delicious ice cream cake. And I know that is 5 points!!

We went and picked out the story I'm going to read for her tomorrow to her class at school. It's Fancy Nancy!! A cute and fun book for a 4 year old girl...sorry the boys in Morgan's class! We also purchased Goldilicious...another one for the girls!! What can I say, Daddy is surrounded!!

It's a late night for Daddy at work, as yet another faculty meeting is in session. But, a sleeping Maddie, and tired Morgan, should be an okay night for Mommy. I am frosting the cupcakes with a nice glass of "Mommy juice" and hopefully shows a little later. But not much later, as my bed is already calling me!!

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