Thursday, October 15, 2009

Morgan's 4th Birthday! Oh what a day!

It was a complete whirlwind and I'm feeling like the worlds worst mother, but we survived the day, which is most excellent. It was a busy day...

beginning with a special donut for Morgan (from Daddy), a workout with Mommy, and getting ready for lunch in Boston. Special thanks to Uma and Upa for the pretty birthday outfit. It was a huge success and it was a perfect excuse so that we didn't have to take the train on this cold day!

Lunch in Boston was great...sort of crazy, but great, nonetheless. Morgan showed off her knowledge of letters on the wallpaper at the restaurant, and she loved going into Boston, saying it was "very far, but we didn't spend a long time there."

After our eventful lunch we went home for a "rest," at least for some. Since Maddie slept on the way home, she was awake and very unhappy when we got home. Morgan had a nice rest time, watching Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Maddie stayed up and was very fussy.

As soon as the movie was over, it was time to get ready for Irish Step Dancing. We went to class, where Morgan was so happy to wear her "Birthday Girl" shirt so that everyone would know! She had a great class and then we were off for home where birthday presents and ice cream cake were waiting.

We had dinner, put Maddie to bed, and opened presents. Ice cream cake was delicious and if you're in the area and want to stop by for some, there is plenty leftover. Especially since more cake will be coming for her party on Saturday with a few friends. The weather is predicted to be about 48 degrees and it may be a quick and cold birthday party...but she's excited!! And after the crazy day today...she'll be ready for it!!

Unfortunately because of the craziness, few pictures were had, at least by me. So, here are a few...promise lots more at her party on Saturday! Hopefully the rain will hold off!! :)

Actually Maddie is up now, so pictures will wait for tomorrow!!

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