Wednesday, October 28, 2009

2 sick girls and a mom in a pear tree...

Well, as of today I have a much larger appreciation for parents of two plus kids when they are both under the weather. It's a great balancing act between Maddie and Morgan, but thankfully their nap schedules today have made it a bit easier. They both went to down for naps this afternoon (after the doctors), one after the other, and Maddie woke up after a couple of hours while Morgan continued to sleep. Then when Maddie was getting tired, Morgan woke up and I put Maddie down. Thanks girls!

Meanwhile, inbetween naps, Maddie ate, and then runs all over her new pj's and needed a bath. When she got out of the bath and was getting dressed into her other pj's, she spit up all over. Then, Morgan woke up in a sweat and all she wants to do is cuddle and watch tv. She supposed to have her H1N1 nasal spray tomorrow and as long as she is fever free, she will. And then I will feel much relief. REALLY don't want this hitting our house, but feel it could be inevitable with two in school (Kevin and Morgan). Kevin is just getting the flu shot tomorrow and we're both not eligible for the H1N1 shot until the end of November. Bummer. Really don't want Maddie getting it...makes me nervous with her being so young. But, nonetheless, if it happens, today has prepared me a little more...let's hope tomorrow is better.

As a Mom, today is one of those days where it's just one day at a time.

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