A nice peaceful morning, or so I thought. This story just needs to go into record books. So, it's been all too often lately that Maddie has somehow found a crayon, marker or pencil to decorate our walls. Most recently she has taken a red crayon to the dining room walls, and a blue crayon upstairs to Connor's dresser and the hallway wall. Oh and a pencil to the sink in the bathroom - while Morgan was in their using the facilities. And the crazy thing is that I have no idea where she's getting the crayons. The only thing I know we purposefully left out where the "Color Wonder" markers because they only show up on the Color Wonder paper. Just when I think we have everything put away - there she goes again. I have discovered her several times up on a chair that she's pushed to the counter reaching for some sort of writing utensil - anything she can get her hands on.
Well apparently she couldn't reach anything yesterday - except the maple syrup from my delicious breakfast. So, while I was reading, Kevin was napping, and the kids were playing, Maddie poured the maple syrup all over her plate. From there she dipped her hands in it, put handprints all over the wall, the chairs, the floor - really anywhere she could get a hold of. When she was finished, she came over to me just showing me her hands. I thought she had a hair stuck in her fingers because that's usually what it is when she shows me her hands and complains. Oh no, quite a sticky situation!!
Not to fret though. She has made me very grateful for Mr. Clean's Magic Eraser and basically all cleaning supplies.
We had dinner with Auntie Annie, Mom, Dad and all 5 of us at Bucca's. It was crazy - but great. There's just no making Maddie do anything I guess. She couldn't sit but for 5 minutes and was running around the restaurant like a crazy person. Morgan was begging to join her and Connor was eating up all the attention - and food! My parents brought the photo album from 1978, the year I was born - funny to see all those pictures especially after having kids of your own. How old do I feel?!
Followed dinner with drinks at the Corrib with my parents, Annie, cousin Caitlin, Gail and the Godfather. It was a great night!
A very happy birthday and excellent day with the family!! Thank you all!!
I just love that Maddie girl! Such a crack up! Happy Birthday Katie! Hope you got some rest in there somewhere!