Yes, I know it's February, but at least we're still in the beginning of 2012, right!? January went by very quickly.
The kids are growing up so fast, we're just trying to treasure each moment. I mean, how is it possible that Connor is 10 months old?! Where did the time go? He's definitely all boy and that's a welcome change around here! He's into everything, but mostly just loves playing with his sisters. They tickle each other and he crawls around chasing them with his mouth wide open trying to get a bite! His teeth are hurting. He got the first 6 teeth in so early, but hasn't had much action despite the faucet of drool that comes out every minute of the day. He is saying "hi" very loud and clear and "Dada". He teases me occasionally with "Mama" but that is quite rare. Sometimes I think I hear an "all done" or just repeating whatever we say - he's definitely trying that's for sure!
We're in the midst of trying to potty train Maddie. She's definitely ready - even though we weren't quite sure at first. She spent her first afternoon yesterday in underwear. It was Morgan's "training" underwear and at our earliest convenience we're going to need to get her some more because they're not quite fitting. A little snug around the thigh! We're working on her colors, ABC's, sitting for a story, and anything really - but she's not quite interested in any of it. Mostly she enjoys coloring on the walls, tormenting her sister, tickling her brother, and eating. Anything really, but waffles are a big favorite. She loves breakfast! But what a personality. She still screams with excitement or really anything for that matter - but mostly she screams for the mailman! She loves to be the one to get the mail!
And who could forget Morgan? She's just thriving in Kindergarten Two. She got her first progress report of the year and as always she's a rockstar! And she's reading up a storm. She just moved to level 4 of the chapter books at school. I think I need to get her some Magic Tree House books. She borrowed a friend's and she loved it! She has a puppet show that her class will put on this week and she is the first to start the story - so it should be fun to watch! Morgan's keeping busy too - she has Dedham Basketball on Saturdays and Irish Step Dancing on Thursdays. She just moved up to the "hard shoes" in Irish Step Dancing.
We welcomed another member of the Kennedy family on December 29th - Nolan Patrick Kennedy, brother of T. Luke and son of Ryan and Ali! We can't wait to meet the little guy - hoping to somehow make it work in March!
We're off to a great start in 2012! Things are definitely busy - but I wouldn't change it for the world!
(the picts are from Christmas in Poulsbo... the kids with their cousins Lucas and Ethan (or "Efan" as Maddie calls him).

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