Sunday, January 30, 2011

Mind Blowing Science!

Morgan got to blow up a few volcanoes today and experiment with changing colors, bases, acids and even red cabbage juice (which Daddy says smells pretty gross--Morgan and I are too congested to smell it). This science kit is pretty awesome and Morgan and Daddy had a ball with it today. It was a great activity and way to spend the slow Sunday (and if you take a close look - also a PJ day)! Thank you, Uma and Upa!!So here (above) is the building of the volcano.
Then you pour a purple concoction together to create a "lake/sea" effect.
And lastly, you place just a little citric acid to let it blow!
That was by far the coolest part!

And if the volcano wasn't enough...Morgan was my "guinea pig" for my project for tomorrow...
what a trooper!

1 comment:

  1. FUN!!! Sorry I missed your call - we were all enjoying naptime...
