Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Dog Days of Winter

Well, there's not much to report here on the home front. It's about -8 degrees outside this morning and yet another moderate - major snowstorm is expected on Wednesday. We still have 2 feet of snow outside, so not sure where this one will go, but I'm sure we'll find some room if it comes! At least, Kevin will!!

Maddie continues to battle colds, fevers and everything in between. It has been a Nightmare on Dixon Ave, but hoping that she'll be like her big sister Morgan and get everything this year and then be healthy as horse in the years to come. I took her yesterday to give blood to check out any food allergies, so we'll see how that goes.

Morgan is doing unbelievably well. She has skipped the stomach bug, colds and fevers that Maddie has brought home that both Kevin and I have gotten. And, she's got her first wiggly tooth and is loving showing it off to everyone. She even brought her tooth pillow to school for show and tell and to Gamma and Papa's house. Yesterday she spent the day with Papa...went to his new office, stopped by Auntie Annie's on the way home and then even spent some of the day with Gamma and Papa at their house. She had a ball and says that her favorite part was seeing the "Pirates of Penzance" ship (a.k.a The Constitution), and practicing her Irish Step Dancing to the video at Papa's house. She said she liked that so much because she's so much better than those dancers..."I can go faster!" I said it wasn't all about "going faster" but she assured me that not only was it all about going fast, but it was about knowing the steps! Apparently they missed a few in the video!! :0)

We were hoping this week would bring some normalcy - a full week of school and schedules, but Wednesdays storm is looking like it might keep us on our toes. And as much as I would love another snow day, is it possible to send the kids somewhere else, so we could have a little peace and quiet?! Maybe even get a few things accomplished!!!

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