Saturday, September 4, 2010

School is Starting!!!

I can't believe the week has gone by!! And what a crazy one it was....

Maddie has started day care. She did 4.5 days this week...I picked her up early on Friday because she was so exhausted, I was out early, and I figured we'd all get comfy cozy and hunker down for Hurricane Earl. It's been a very tough week for her...she's going from me all the time, to everyone but me all the time, plus she's moving from two naps to one. And throw molars coming in on top of all the changes, she's one exhausted little girl!! But, like Morgan, she's a trooper. Every day I went to go pick her up, her teachers said it was "better than yesterday." Of course, today -her home day - she's back to a 9am nap time, catching up, I'm guessing from the week plus her early morning wake ups - at 5am.

So, it's been a bit of shock and change for Maddie...but know she'll do great there once she gets the hang of it, and her molars come in. This has been about a month long process right now - and I think we might just be over halfway there!!! She's doing great otherwise, though - happy as a clam at home most of the time. And she's added the word, "more" to her vocab!!

Morgan is doing great. She spent Monday and Tuesday with me in my classroom, and Wednesday at home - we cleaned up, organized clothes, she had an impromptu play date with Peyton, and then Thursday and Friday she spend with Gamma...doing errands, eating lots of junk food, and talking, talking, talking!!!

One of the great "Morgan stories" from the week was when Gamma was taking Morgan home, and Morgan asked (in her true whiney voice) how long of a ride it was from Milton to Dedham...was it going to be long? Gamma said, "no it's not but it can be shorter if you move closer to Milton!" "Morgan said, "no, I can't do that." And Gamma asked, "Why not?" Morgan replied, "Because then I won't be near my best friend." Gamma asked, "who is that?" And Morgan said, "UNCLE BRIAN!!!"

So Kevin and I have officially started at work this week. I have such mixed emotions about everything, I am kind of all over the place - but mostly exhausted! Kevin started on Wednesday and myself on Thursday. It was probably one of the most productive teacher meetings I have been to....really inspiring and incredible. And the nicest's going to be a great year!!! School for me, grades 1-8 start on Tuesday (though prek and k students don't start until the 13th), and Morgan and Kevin officially start on Wednesday. We'll be using this week to work out a few kinks in the morning routine, I'm sure, as I figure out how I'm going to get everyone out the door -where they need to be - and on time!! It's been hitting me a lot of harder that Morgan will be off to Southfield and like I had always thought in the past that I would be it's a bit sad, but I know she'll do great and I am so proud of her. She is really becoming such a big girl!!!

Big game day today - Coach Kelly's first game with ND!! Very exciting!! We'll be game watching today, and possibly zoo-hopping tomorrow!! Happy Labor Day weekend to all!!

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