Well, first I'm going to pat myself on the back for not only surviving the week, but also for blogging about it!! :) Whoo-hoo!!!
Yes, at this point, I will take any small accomplishment! This week I was able to get the girls out the door in the morning - making lunches, getting everyone dressed, remembering lunch boxes, backpacks, hats, coats, diapers and pretty much everything....and out the door on time to school and day care! Quite a task!!! Thanks to Kevin who made it all possible by getting up with Maddie who continues to wake up at 430 am every morning and refuses to just sit and be happy...but who constantly cries and whines until we're actually "bye-bye!"
Not only that but I was able to pick them up at the correct times, get them to where they need to go, making sure they were set for Erin, the sitter, who picked them up and took care of them while we were at Arthur's celebrations, take both of them to Morgan's irish step dancing, et al.
(Just don't ask how many nights this week I cooked, ok!!)
Maddie had a much better week at daycare, especially the past few days. I would pick her up and her teachers would say, "she didn't even cry all day!!" Music to my ears!!! :) And not only that, but she was engaged in play every time I picked her up, happy to see me, and ready to go!!!
I will say the poor thing has been congested now for quite some time and boy is at all trying to exit her nose!! She seems so miserable sometimes, I think I should take her to the doctors to say, this has been 3 weeks of misery, but then she seems to have nothing else wrong with her - or so it seems - so...what to do?
Morgan had a great first week of school! Thursdays are going to be a very exhausting day - a full day of school and then Irish Step Dancing. It was obvious there was exhaustion there - especially when we received "word" from her teacher (through a note that I can't find but will take a picture of and post when I do) that read something like:
"Dear Mom and Dad,
Today I hit Jordan and pushed Esme. I also pulled Esme's hair. I am so sorry. I am sad. I promise I won't do it again. Morgan"
And below the words was the smallest, saddest picture of Morgan I've ever seen. (She drew it herself).
Now, as Mom, in Morgan's defense, she was saying that "Esme was in her face all day!" So, she was just reacting to that. But, as a teacher, I know better and we spoke to her and she was just FULL of tears and so many apologies. So, we'll see!!
So, yes, my hands are full. And full of my own 13 students (I will get one more on Monday) who are full of their own stories, drama, challenges and hilarious idiosencrisies. One teacher (who was just married two months ago) at lunch asked me the other day, "So how is it teaching all day and then going home to your own kids?"
I said, "one word: exhausting!!"
But, it's been great fun - and nice to be busy again! It means I'm not lonely or eating too much which is all a good thing! Just sleeping really easy at night!!
Today was Morgan's first day of soccer and as her friend, Peyton's dad and I noticed, we have much improved since the last time we tried this! The two girls were engaged, listening, following directions, and having a great time!!

Maddie enjoyed the field herself, running everywhere...mostly with Daddy!

Peyton is in blue...shin guards on and ready to roll! Serious players only!!!

Listening to "Coach Mike"

And her own serious ball-handling skills.