Let's see. Oh, where to begin with our visit from our cousins, Ethan and Lucas, and Aunt Katie?!! What a fantastic week!!! Here was a little of our schedule:
A loving moment at the Franklin Park Zoo.
Snuggling and getting ready for bed.
I would say Maddie enjoyed bowling the most. She was hilarious! Spent most of the night like this!!
At the Plimouth Plantation Kid Play Area...costumes and all!! Love it!
Lucas playing "house."
Maddie learned how to get in and out and stuck!!
Morgan "bowling" in 1627!
Lucas dressed like he was living in 1627??!!
Waiting for the train at the Zoo.

Peek-a-boo Lucas!!
Ethan enjoying his "ride" just like Upa!
Ethan celebrating birthdays!
Lucas, phone in hand, ready to dig into his donut!!

Monday - pick up the crew from the airport. Home by 3:00ish. Played around the house. Fajitas for dinner with guac - yum!!!
Tuesday - Franklin Park Zoo during the day, Candlepin bowling at Kings at night.
Wednesday - Children's Museum and delicious calzones for dinner (made by Aunt Katie, Ethan and Morgan!!) ???? (Katie - help me out here - I can't remember!!)
Thursday - Morgan, Ethan and Lucas joined me for a trip to Dunkin Donuts while Maddie napped, "home/day of rest" though we did manage to get to the play space in between Maddie's naps and Five Guys for dinner .
Friday - Well, we intended to go to Edaville Railroad. And we did actually go there, but apparently their opening day was not until the following day. Unbeknownst to us because it was not clearly stated on their website. So, we detoured to Plymouth and went to Plimouth Plantation...toured the Mayflower II and the 1627 Village. HOT and exhausted, so we did Chinese for dinner! Yum.
Saturday - breakfast at Ihop, a little playground, and then it was time to say goodbye. A lot of fun memories made, cousins reunited, and great stories to tell. After we all recover, of course!! Morgan was so sad after she came back from dropping everyone off at the airport, but we're on a countdown to South Bend Reunion!!
Here are some picts (in no particular order) from the week:

Maddie didn't want to share the bowling balls!!

Daddy and Maddie sweating it out on the Mayflower II.
Love it! Soooooo much fun! No wonder I'm exhausted!!!