Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sleepless in Boston

Not sure what the deal is with the font, but I'm too tired to figure it out.

We all had a (hopefully!!!) random night last night where no one had a good nights sleep. Morgan was talking in her sleep and then let out a small scream, which woke up Maddie, and Maddie couldn't go back to sleep without screaming until her lungs couldn't take it anymore. Needless to say, it wasn't very pleasant for anyone. So, I got up with Maddie for about an hour, put her back to bed, and apparently she wasn't ready. She screamed some more. I moved Morgan downstairs so she could sleep and was planning on letting Maddie cry it out, but Kevin couldn't take it and was worried something was wrong. My guess was that she's just spoiled and can't live without me, so he got up with her. They lasted maybe another 20 minutes before Maddie was showing too many signs of exhaustion and he put her back to bed. We thought she was making some whining noises trying to go to sleep, until we heard, "MAMA!" We both paused for a moment thinking wow - she got it! but no...that would have been Morgan calling for me downstairs!

Needless to say, we'll all be tired today and probably heading to bed very early. Maddie in particular will have an exhausting day as she has her 9 month check up and will get some shots. Poor thing doesn't know what's going to hit her.

Morgan told me, at approximately 730am, that we're going to "just rock out and have fun" today. She also asked if her pretend friend (who is a real friend at school, but often just "plays" with her at home, could go to breakfast with Gamma this morning. :)

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