Morgan's Kindegarten One class had their Art Show on Friday. The students learn about artists (just to name a few)...Picasso, Miro, Monet, Pollock, Van Gogh, etc. They recreate one of their famous paintings/creations and put together a show for the parents to attend. Since they began the unit, Morgan has been so excited and just loving all of the information she's learned about each artist. Kevin, Gamma, Connor & I were all able to go to the art show.
It made my day because I haven't been able to attend anything of Morgan's mostly because I was working and then on bed rest, so it was extra special that I was able to be there! She had a ball showing off all her work! And we're hoping to make it to the MOFA in Boston one of these days!
But for now, here's Morgan's show...

One excited little girl!!

In case you can't read what she wrote, it says her favorite colors are red and green. Her favorite way to create art is using markers, and her favorite artist is Jackson Pollock.
Morgan's "Scream" by Munch

Joan Miro

Georges Suerat

Jackson Pollock

Pablo Picasso

Morgan with some of her "artists!" Left to right: Jordan, Morgan, Emma & Hannah

Henri Matisee. Morgan called this one "The Owl" - you can see the blue eyes, orange beak...

Claude Monet's Water Lily's
Vincent Van Gogh's Sunflowers

Morgan and her AWESOME, AMAZING, WONDERFUL, FABULOUS teacher, Mrs. McEwen!!