Friday, October 22, 2010

5 year old stats

Morgan's 5 year old check up stats:
43.25 lbs. -- 72%ile
44" tall -- 80%ile
passed the eye and hearing test with flying colors!
had 4 shots (including the flu). Note to self: just b/c she's 5, doesn't mean she won't put up an enormous stink and fight you in order to not get shots! Thank God Daddy was there to hold her down!!

And apparently turning 5 will not stop you from testing out the old "cutting my own hair" thing. Morgan took a snip-it from her hair today at school, semi-confessed in saying "somebody cut my hair" while holding up the ziploc bag with a small chunk of hair in it. After much help from me and Kevin, she said, "Soandso from school cut my hair"....actually blaming it on a classmate. So, I said, "if I call Mrs. McEwen, what is she going to tell me?"
"Well, she'll tell you it was me. I did it."

On the sister side: Maddie is saying anything and everything! Some recent words are: no (!! Great!!), home, car, thank you, coat. And she can shake her head yes and no to almost anything you ask her! :)

My girls are growing up fast!!!

1 comment:

  1. hehe... funny girls!
    hope you guys get to relax this weekend.
    lucas just fed the dogs his bagel bites, better go...
