I am very excited!!! She's all growns up! :)
It's been a HOT week here in Beantown and I'm happy to report we've not only survived, but we now have new AC's. Double yeah!
The girls are good. Maddie continues to have fever/teeth/ear problems, but she's started her antibiotic, so I hope to see some more improvement soon. Morgan's doing very well and more and more so growing up.
Yesterday, I took care of my friends baby, Master Billy, and when we all took Morgan to school I explained to Morgan that I would drop her off and walk her in to her teachers but I couldn't walk her up the stairs to her classroom (as I always do with Maddie) because I have 2 babies and that's not safe. So when we arrived and I was standing next to the car, Morgan said, "Alright. Bye Mom" and went to go walk inside by herself. I cherished that moment for a minute and then followed her into the doorway where I grabbed a teacher to let them know the plan. All grown up and ready for Southfield.
The past few days in pictures...

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