Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Picnic at the Playground

Daddy had a great, quiet and quick birthday last night. Maddie lasted only about 30 minutes after he came home. Mommy had dinner waiting for him. And Morgan and I made brownies...wait until I post this picture....a funny story there! Next post! :)

It's getting very tiresome...sitting around the house all the time because it's too cold or wet to go outside...similar to the Dr. Suess' Cat in the Hat. So, today I decided no more...it was sunny and around 40 degrees, so I bundled up the girls and packed a lunch for Morgan and I and we went to the playground....yup. Maddie needed a diaper change right when we got there, in the back of the car. As soon as we stepped outside at the playground, I realized why we were staying inside...cold and VERY windy. Chilly, needless to say.

But, we stayed to get some fresh air and let out some energy. Too bad I left the camera in the car. We played...Maddie went in the swing and decided she was definitely not a fan...oh the tears. Morgan and I ate quickly, then I pushed her on the tire swing and on this other weird (but fun) playground equipment. Then Maddie became super fussy, so we packed up, headed for a quick stop at the store and home again we are.

And luckily for Mommy....naps for everyone. Morgan was EXHAUSTED! Maddie was too, so I got some studying done while they slept. Tonight, I might try sleeping with the study book underneath my pillow to really put this osmosis theory to a test. Can't hurt, hey?!

So, while it probably was not my most ingenious idea to have a picnic in the midst of winter in Boston, it did provide some entertainment and excitement for the day.

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