The girls were amazing on the planes...all four of them! Going out was a breeze, and I think everyone was too tired to even think about misbehaving on the planes home. The guy behind us on the first flight said that he's never met a more well-behaved toddler on a plane (if only he had seen her a few days before)! He stood up when we were de-boarding and said, "Oh my...I never new there was a baby either!!" Maddie slept for 2/3 hours, and was so great...we were very lucky!
We're full of stories from the week. Ethan and Morgan (for the most part) got along beautifully. A few meltdowns on both sides were bound to happen and did, but they are great friends and Morgan misses him already. Morgan couldn't wait for Ethan to arrive and was sad to hear that he wasn't coming until the next day. She had some nice quiet time with Uma and Upa and had them almost all to herself for a little bit. Ethan is one fun kid. Easygoing, happy, extremely well-mannered (lots of please and thank yous!). And believe it or not, he's become a little thing! Skinny!! And a snuggler. I loved snuggling with you Ethan!! Lucas was so jealous he couldn't be with the "big kids" at times, but he found his own niche causing havoc everywhere he went. He found my laptop charging and said "oh-oh" as he unplugged it from the wall and tried plugging it back in. Lesson learned, Auntie time with Maddie is approaching and he reminded me of all the "do's and don'ts". And, Lucas certainly has a good set of lungs on him...whether happy, sad, mad, or somewhere in between, he's not afraid to express his feelings! He was adorable when you played with him, chasing him through the house, and tickling him on his collar bone. Maddie was a champ...going from person to person the whole week, and other than a little teething pain, never showed us anything but a great big smile! The last day there, she even gave Uma and Upa a little show in rolling across the living room floor...the first time. Watch out, world! Maddie is on the loose!
We had an amazing trip and are so grateful for such a wonderful family! Only wish we were closer, but it was so great. Here are some picts from the week... (in no order whatsoever!)

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