She did it! For 31 people! Yeah Morgan!!! :)
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Day after Christmas...
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day!
We had a wonderful Christmas Eve and Christmas Day! Here are some more picts. They are backwards from Christmas Night to Christmas Eve. One day I'll get this figured out!
Recovering Christmas night.
Auntie Katie trying to give Maddie her first french fry. Maddie licks her lips!
Sleeping Beauty herself.
Playing with all the new toys.
Maddie helps to open her present.
Her favorite cup to chew!
Just a good pict.
Who can be louder?! Auntie Katie doesn't like the noise level!
Lucas loves his new shopping cart and food!
Maddie's new "move and crawl" ball and puppy.
Upa plays with the last one "up."
Christmas chaos.
Waiting for the adults to get coffee before seeing what Santa left. Look at all the cookies and carrots Santa and his reindeer ate!
Heading up the stairs from youngest to oldest (minus Maddie who was napping)!
Look, Dad! Santa brought me a new computer!
Wow! Someone was on the nice list!
Posing before heading upstairs!
About to open the first presents of Christmas Eve with Nana.
Rule in McLean family Christmas...youngest opens first. Morgan waits patiently.
Ethan thanks Nana for construction truck.
Morgan thanks Nana for first Barbie doll.
Morgan, Ethan, Katie and myself at St. Olaf's 5pm Mass.

First few days in Poulsbo
I am looking back at pictures from our week at Uma and Upa's and not only can't believe it's already over, but we've got some great pictures and memories from the 8 days.

Teaching Ethan how to Irish Step Dance
Painting pottery and a visit to the Bakery
Cuddling cousins
Maddie's new chair...she stood up from it and fell into my arms!
Lucas and Upa
Driving the "trater"
Driving with Daddy...who looks scared!
Cuddling with Uma
All 4 grandkids!!
The girls were amazing on the planes...all four of them! Going out was a breeze, and I think everyone was too tired to even think about misbehaving on the planes home. The guy behind us on the first flight said that he's never met a more well-behaved toddler on a plane (if only he had seen her a few days before)! He stood up when we were de-boarding and said, "Oh my...I never new there was a baby either!!" Maddie slept for 2/3 hours, and was so great...we were very lucky!
We're full of stories from the week. Ethan and Morgan (for the most part) got along beautifully. A few meltdowns on both sides were bound to happen and did, but they are great friends and Morgan misses him already. Morgan couldn't wait for Ethan to arrive and was sad to hear that he wasn't coming until the next day. She had some nice quiet time with Uma and Upa and had them almost all to herself for a little bit. Ethan is one fun kid. Easygoing, happy, extremely well-mannered (lots of please and thank yous!). And believe it or not, he's become a little thing! Skinny!! And a snuggler. I loved snuggling with you Ethan!! Lucas was so jealous he couldn't be with the "big kids" at times, but he found his own niche causing havoc everywhere he went. He found my laptop charging and said "oh-oh" as he unplugged it from the wall and tried plugging it back in. Lesson learned, Auntie time with Maddie is approaching and he reminded me of all the "do's and don'ts". And, Lucas certainly has a good set of lungs on him...whether happy, sad, mad, or somewhere in between, he's not afraid to express his feelings! He was adorable when you played with him, chasing him through the house, and tickling him on his collar bone. Maddie was a champ...going from person to person the whole week, and other than a little teething pain, never showed us anything but a great big smile! The last day there, she even gave Uma and Upa a little show in rolling across the living room floor...the first time. Watch out, world! Maddie is on the loose!
We had an amazing trip and are so grateful for such a wonderful family! Only wish we were closer, but it was so great. Here are some picts from the week... (in no order whatsoever!)

Monday, December 21, 2009
"It's so great to be back!"

It's been a great visit in Poulsbo so far. I forgot to say yesterday what Morgan said when we arrived in the airport...Morgan said, "I'm so happy to be back!" She ran with her "traveling to grandmas" suitcase in tow and gave him a big hug...very cute!! (and unprompted!!) Yesterday we were able to have our first of what we hope are many visits with Nana! So great to see you, Nana! Enjoy your peace and quiet while you can!! :)
Mommy got to snooze a little this morning...thanks to the ingenious idea that the kids should go to McDonalds for breakfast and then run around the play space there too...that way Mommy got to sleep without shrieking kids!
And since, today we've played lots of games, built a gingerbread house with Auntie Katie, girl adults (Katie, Katie and Uma) got out to lunch and ran a few errands, played the piano, played in the tent, watched some of Ice Age, and Ethan and Morgan learned how to play "Go Fish" with me! That was fun!! Both Ethan and Morgan had naps this morning, which was so great. Thankfully, Morgan hasn't had any night terrors...our first trip out here without them I think.
Lucas is a bundle of energy, volume and fun! I taught him how to throw and he threw a toy right at me! Nailed me right in the forehead...good arm and lesson learned for me!! But, he loves playing "I'm going to get you!" and then being tickled! And that boy can eat!
Maddie's doing great except her second tooth is still in the works and it's making her pretty fussy. I'm actually pretty sure that's why she was up last night. But, having all the kids around to distract her is pretty helpful.
Uma and Upa have beautifully decorated the house. We're hoping the rain will stop so we can get outside tomorrow and let the kids run around. Brian won't know what hit him tomorrow when he arrives. We're excited to have dinner with Nana tomorrow too!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Seattle Bound!
We're here! It was a LONG day, but we've got seasoned travelers for daughters, so it was pretty easy. And both flights were pretty empty so we had plenty of space to spread out, which was just perfect! I would like to thank One Step Ahead for the sit 'n stand stroller that allowed us to throw the girls in and run from one gate (D17) to the next (C27) just in the nick of time in Cleveland! I would also like to thank Mother Nature who allowed us to get out of dodge (Boston) before blizzard '09!
Morgan was a trooper! She helped to entertain Maddie on the flight, watched Enchanted, colored and even had a nice nap on the plane...without benadryl! Maddie was awesome. She made lots of friends with everyone around many smiles and she had some nice naps too, though they were shorter than usual. You try hold a 22 lber who is dead weight on your arms on the plane. Both Kevin and I needed a support just to keep our arms from falling alseep...maybe that will be our million dollar money maker...we'll invent something!
We got a couple of picts of the girls playing on the plane which we'll download at some point. We're very excited to be here and Morgan can't wait for Katie, Brian, Ethan and Lucas to arrive! She is waiting as patiently as possible!!!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Full Steam Ahead!
Yes, that's exactly what's happening here in the McLean household! We're mostly packed, and raring to go! Morgan might be the most ready of us all!
As Papa has taught her, Morgan is preparing herself for the plane ride, and I feel, becoming a bit anxious about it, but also so excited! She has practiced getting on the plane with her suitcase, giving the flight attendant her ticket, and where to put it on the plane. I think she has decided it would be best for it to go underneath her seat. Sorry, Papa!! But this way, she is able to reach whatever she needs for entertainment instead of waiting and uprooting us all.
Morgan is taking the last step in order to prepare herself for Christmas, and is off on a special treat with Gamma...going to get her nails done! I know, why didn't Gamma take me?! Or even Annie for that matter?! But, Morgan needed a bribe and to get out of the house today, so it works! And if you see her, you'll see some crazy nails!!! She's going to get a pattern (just learning what that means) of red and green. OH BOY!!
Maddie is doing great. Her second tooth still is not in yet, but it's definitely in the works...I can see white! She's getting even heavier than usual...and this time I'm beginning to feel it myself...sore back, sore arms. She's a heavy girl!
Both girls had a bath/shower today, so they smell good for now! Kevin has his basketball tournament tonight and tomorrow...going in at 7-0 which is amazing considering his team was 0-?? how many games did they have last year?!! Good luck!!
It's early to bed for everyone tonight and tomorrow... :0)
Monday, December 14, 2009
The Ball Popper
Maddie got a ball popper from Gamma and Papa for Christmas. This is her first time with it!
Christmas with the Kennedys
Last night was our Christmas with my side (kind of) with the fam. Gamma, Papa and Auntie Annie were all present. We make skillet lasagna and salad, and in true "Papa form" had our Italian Christmas.
Some of the highlights include: Gator Golf from Papa. Morgan said that this is what "she asked for" and was jumping up and down with excitement. "How did you know, Papa? I thought Santa was going to bring this!"
Santa always knows!!
The other highlight for Morgan was a "traveling to Grandma's" suitcase (which Seattle will soon see!) in which she received strict directions from Papa about what to do when she boarded the plane. For example, "Excuse me. Would you kindly help me put this on the rack?" And, "This looks like a great pocket for your underwear and socks."
Needless to say, Morgan didn't miss a beat, and was practicing after everyone left last night and all morning before we left for school. She was even so "impressed" that Gamma remembered to give her the [pretend] tickets for the plan back!! It was just hilarious.
Maddie was exhausted, but she made it pretty late for her. Here are some picts from the night.
Thank you, Gamma and Papa and Auntie Annie. As Morgan would say, "Happy Christmas!"

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