Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Cast off! Splint on!

So we made a list this morning while waiting for the bus of "Morgan's Questions for the Bone Doctor." On it was, "Can I ride my bike? scooter? swim (at school)? I asked if she wanted to add "playground" to that list, but she said she's already doing that, so why would she ask. Valid point, though, probably not best to share with the doctor (since that was on the no-no list!).

Morgan got her cast off today! Yippee! The only bad part is she has to get used to using that arm again - and not having it as protected. Just turning her wrist around was a bit painful tonight and I imagine it will be. Still no bike, scooter or playground. And no PE. But, she can swim, shower and take it off to write/read/do quiet activities where she won't be bumped or "active."

She has to wear the splint for another 3 weeks before we take her off of it. 4 more weeks before playground, sports, etc.

Oh - and did I mention there was cake at the doctors - that ALWAYS helps! :)

Meanwhile...at home...here's a bit of what we've been up to...just fun hanging out with the fam & mostly making Connor laugh! All Morgan really needs to is smile and talk to him. Maddie doesn't quite have the patience - but love these picts!

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