Monday, March 7, 2011

This is what an allergy looks like...

We had an little bit of an eventful weekend...beginning with me going on bed rest. Contractions and a breech baby I guess don't really mix. So at least for the next 2 weeks until the baby can turn, I can be found here at home, in bed. After the news of bed rest hit, I picked up the girls and went home. I found it a little odd, but not particularly unusual for Maddie to have a little rash on her...randomly spread throughout her body - some on her stomach, a few on her legs/thighs and one enormous one on her wrist. I gave her some benadryl (with her antibiotic for her ear infections) just in case, and put the exhausted girl (s) to bed.

Here is Maddie's wrist. Yes, it looks awful, but rashes are something we are familiar with...or so I thought...

The next morning, we woke up and Maddie's rash was all over her body....(as you can see below)...

Maddie had hives underneath both eyes too - all swollen. My poor girl!!
So, the moral of the story... clearly the one time I should have panicked a little, I didn't. Kevin even called after winning the semi-finals of the bball game (they went on to win the championship this weekend!!!), but even when he called, I said, "Oh, Maddie has a rash - I gave her some benadryl but I'm sure she'll be fine!"

So, apparently after 8-9 days on an antibiotic, you can begin show signs of an allergic reaction. So, that's now 2 different medicines Maddie cannot have. And a BIG lesson learned for Mama!

Thankfully she's on the mend!!!


  1. poor baby! she looks like brian did last year!

  2. Poor baby & poor Mommy! Both of my boys had allergic reactions to Amoxil when they were about 18 mo old. Their rashes made them look like they had the measles! My oldest out grew his a few years later.

    I'm sorry you are on best rest - I hope that baby turns soon!

  3. Thanks Katie and Mary!
    Yeah - we knew she was allergic to penicillin, so she got the stuff that they give you if you're allergic to penicillin, and apparently she's allergic to that too. I hope she'll outgrow it, but since I'm allergic to pen I kind of doubt it.
    ...Turn baby turn! :0)
