Wednesday, August 11, 2010

15 months!!!

Yesterday we took a day off from the Cape and went up to Maddie's 15 month check-up. Here are her latest stats:
weight - 27 1/4 lbs. -- 94%ile (no wonder why my back is breaking!!!)
height - 33.5 inches -- 99.6%ile
head circumference - 19 " -- 96%ile

So, needless to say, at least she's proportionate!! She had a great check-up. The nurse took a look in her mouth when I was telling her that her teeth were causing LOTS of problems, and found a mouthful of swollen, red gums! Poor baby!! And she has 3/4 molars coming in along with the rest of her teeth. Needless to say, we haven't had much sleep and have had lots of fussiness. 2 shots later and there was a bit more fussiness.

Luckily we picked up Uncle Bob and he joined us for our trip back. She actually slept in this morning and woke up happy for the first time in about a week!!

Hoping these teeth can move a little faster now. Probably wishful thinking but nonetheless. Hoping the weather clears today for a fun day with Uncle Bobby!!

1 comment:

  1. stinkin' teeth! poor Maddie!

    And she's no where near as big as Ethan was at that age! She's a lightweight!

    love you guys!
