That's right - Morgan turned 6 years old on October 15th! I can't believe it - where does the time go?!
Instead of the big to-do birthday party, we decided it would be more special (and less costly) to have a sleepover. Morgan's been begging for one for a while, even though I'm sure she'd be too chicken to spend the night at someone else's house. But, this worked out so well.
She invited 2 friends from school, Peyton and Emma. Her birthday was Saturday, which also happened to be Southfield Day - a day of face painting, treats, games and fun at school. It worked out perfect because we met up with her friends there on Sat afternoon.
We came home, they played (so well together), ate pizza, played, had cake & ice cream (jello for one), and then watched a movie - Bedtime Stories. They were all asleep by about 9:30!
Peyton was the first up, about 4:15 - she heard scary noises and was scared, but Emma was the last to wake up at 6:30 p.m. And God Bless Connor and Maddie for making it through the night (especially Connor)!
In the morning, we had blueberry and chocolate chip pancakes and went to the playground. Morgan was so thankful for a great birthday and we couldn't be happier it all worked out. Now - to get used to saying that my oldest is 6....that's another story - one which I'm not ready to discuss!!