Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day Special

Well, we made it to brunch! :) We had a 3am wake up call from a sick Maddie. Poor thing. After some motrin and bottle she went back to bed. Morgan and Maddie woke up and after hugs and kisses, Kev took them downstairs. About 30 minutes later, he came back up...the car was dead...wouldn't start. My knee must have hit the interior lights on, and we didn't know it. But, a trip to Sears and a special plug-in jumper, and we made it. Nothing like a little chaos to start your mother's day!

A great meal later, though...and all was well again! Maddie, Morgan and Mama had great naps while Daddy mowed a much needed lawn. Laundry. Cleaning-up. Taking care of sick (and miserable) Maddie. Playing. Take-out. Bed time :) . A great Mother's Day!!!

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