Thursday, May 20, 2010

And here we go again...

Well, as it turns out, Morgan's doctor has it all figured out: "The apple does not fall far from the sister!" he said. And he is right.

Maddie got in early to the ENT today. Turns out, same problems as Morgan: 2/3 of area surrounding adenoids is blocks and LOTS of mucus. Right ear is "dull" which shows frequent ear infections, one recently. So basically the doctor said somewhere in her future, she will need tubes and adenoids out and she suggests doing it one surgery.

Sign her up!! ASAP!!! I've already called to try to have it booked. Mommy and Daddy want to take back their sleep at night and have a happy Maddie (and non-medicated) baby girl again!

By the way - she's a walking folks! I have known that she really likes to have on pants/capris to cover her knees when she crawls. She's been taking so many steps lately. And while I've been deciding which pj's to put on her tonight b/c it's so warm here, she's been in just a onesie. Well, low and behold, since she hates crawling around without pants on...she walks everywhere! :) What a big girl, Maddie!!!

Will keep you all posted as to when the surgery will be. But our summer is filling up so quickly, we're on limited time options. So, Mommy and Maddie will both be having surgery this summer. Ay ay ay!! Not the best way to spend my one and only summer off, but at least we'll be getting things accomplished!!?!!

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