Saturday, January 30, 2010

Sinus Not So Fine-us!

Sorry for the lack of posts this's been not such a great week for Mama. Sinuses are in excrutiating pain and even the zpack and motrin have not done the trick. It hurts so bad my teeth and jaw are in pain, especially when I lean forward or move my head too quickly. Brutal. But, a CT scan yesterday and yes, still no result...will have to wait until Monday. And switch doctors apparently then too.

So, I've been napping with Maddie on occasion and laying low. Morgan had a great week at school and has her last gymnastics class coming up on Tuesday. She's been learning and asking at school how to spell words and is sounding them out...and she's pretty good at it too!!! Maddie's two front teeth are so on the edge of her gums...I imagine they'll be here soon! At least, I'm hopeful! Still only crawling backwards, but the planks have moved to full on bottom up in the air then goes to a knee position before laying back on the floor. Quite impressive, if I do say so myself...I couldn't do them!

Daddy's got the full weekend off...we headed to the Mall to do some shopping and low and behold the Disney store was having a princess lesson. Apparently an invitation went out and girls arrived in their princess dresses. Morgan wanted to attend the party (never turns one down) but wanted a dress and after I explained and said we don't have one, an enormous temper tantrum ensued and thus our family day out to the Mall was over. Thankfully we have not seen a tantrum like this in a LONG time, sadly we had to leave, and even more sadly...I hope this doesn't mean she's coming down with something! Luckily for Mommy while Daddy dealt with the tantrum, I went shopping in Macy's and found exactly what I was looking for...cute tops! Yeah for me!

Sadly, everyone is in for naps, so I'm baking. Chocolate chip muffins and fat-free cranberry muffins. YUM! And, I get a night off from putting the kiddos to bed and get to go see Up in the Air with Gamma. Great way to keep my mind off the awful sinus pain!!

1 comment:

  1. sorry about the sinuses! sickness bites.
    As for Maddie - she's performing advanced yoga moves! Plank, to Downward Dog, to Child's Pose. We did that in my class! Very Cool!
    Give Morgan a snuggle from me! (and the yoga master too!)
